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Eco India — Future-proof innovations to protect nature

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7 de maio de 2024
05:30 UTC
Eco IndiaFuture-proof innovations to protect nature
Insects give shrimps a boost in Tamil Nadu - and add bite to pizza toppings. Can local conservation efforts reverse damage at Srinagar’s Dal Lake? Plus hotel owners in Catalonia find creative solutions to water shortages.
06:00 UTC
DW NewsNews
06:15 UTC
InterviewDW Interview with Bill Anderson, CEO Bayer
When Bayer bought US seed-maker Monsanto for $63 billion in 2018, it inherited billions of dollars worth of lawsuits from farmers who claimed its weedkiller, Roundup had caused their cancer. Today Bayer’s entire market value is less than half of what it spent to buy Monsanto. DW Business sat down with Bayer CEO Bill Anderson to ask him how he plans to turn his company’s fortunes around.